MAY 2018 Donations

Here is a list of the Butler Family Foundation's May 2018 donations: Youth Philanthropy Initiative, $10,000.00; University of Alberta's Uschool Program $15,000.00; United Way Out of School Time Summer Camp Collaboration $25,000.00; Telus World of Science's Aurora Project, $8333.33; St. Alphonsus School's New Playground, $10,000.00; Momentum Walk in Counselling $10,000.00; SISEM Daycare Centre New Playground $5000.00; CCI-LEX's BEL Program Funding $10,700.00; B's Supporting Youth Foundation's Kids Helping Kids Program $5000.00; L'Arche New Furnaces for Residential Homes Supporting Disabled Adults $12,045.60; Centre for Family Literacy's 3,2,1, Fun! Program, $5000.00; Jerry Forbes Centre for Community Spirit's Capital Campaign, $8333.33; NAIT's Sport and Recreational Summer Camps, $10,000.00; Parents Empowering Parents' (PEP) Support meetings, $6240.00; Kidsport Edmonton's Primary Grants Program $15,000.00; Autism Edmonton Community Garden Project $3000.00; iHuman Client Data Managment System, $10,000.00; History and Hero's Foundation, $5000.00.
Thanks to all these wonderful charities and Foundations for their amazing work in our community!